Storage Tank Regulation

Underground Storage Tank Owners and Operators in the state of California will be faced with a difficult decision come December 31st, 2025. Senate Bill #445 requires single-walled tank owners and operators to permanently close or replace Underground Storage Tanks containing hazardous substances. Operators that refuse to make the changes needed to comply may be red-tagged by the Unified Program Agency (UPA) or the State Water Resource Board, preventing fuel deliveries and dispensing.

Owners and Operators have two options before December 31st date and those are:

  • Close the tank in place after being authorized by the State Water Resource Board
  • Remove the tanks from their site completely

Funds are available for the closure of single-walled UST systems.  Loans and grants are available through the Replacing, Removing, or Upgrading Storage Tanks (RUST) Program. The RUST grants are limited and are granted on a first-come-first-served basis. Acting quickly to secure funding is the only way to guarantee your site will receive financial support.

The State Water Board and the UPS’s have been doing their best to notify the owners and operators of the single-walled UST’s. Be on the lookout for letters notifying you that your site has a single-walled system. Review your UST compliance books if you are unsure.

This permanent closure requirement was made effective September 25th, 2014 which means authorities will not be lenient when the deadline passes. Act now or risk permanent closure! And move quickly to secure RUST program grants before the funds are exhausted. For more information, visit the California Waterboards information page.