Project Description
Design/Build Construction of the MCAGCC Ocotillo Marine Mart, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Twentynine Palms, CA. Western Pump designed and built the Fuel System for this project which consisted of two (2) 12,000-gallon Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs), two (2) Multi-Product Fuel Dispensers, a 2- Column Canopy Structure with LED Lighting, a Monument Price Sign, a 1-Terminal Point-of-Sale (POS) System, and a Tank Monitoring System. In addition to this, Western Pump self-performed the entire site electrical, concrete, plumbing, HVAC, fire alarm, and roofing scopes of work.

Scope of Work
- Marine Mart, 4,200-s.f.
- Fueling Station, 1,900-s.f.
- Auto and Motorcycle Parking
- Pedestrian Access Sidewalk
- Exterior Building Signage
- On-grade auto & motorcycle parking
- Site pavement and markings
- Pedestrian access sidewalk improvements
- Exterior Building signage
- Landscaping
- Self-service air compressor & water
- Fueling Station
- Aboveground Fuel Storage Tanks
- Vapor Recovery System
- Refuse and recycling enclosures
Services Provided
- Architectural Design
- Engineering Traffic Control
- Permitting
- Cleaning, grubbing, removal
- Rough grading
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention
- Asphalt, Concrete Paving
- Curb & gutter
- Water service
- Sanitary Sewer
- Site electrical
- Landscaping and hardscape
- Slab on grade
- Masonry
- Structural steel
- Carpentry
- Thermal & moisture protection
- Automatic entrance systems
- Exterior glazing & storefront framing
- Interior glazing
- Gypsum wallboard
- Acoustical ceiling systems
- Exterior security screen/fencing
- Domestic water piping
- Fire protection
- Site lighting
Notable Accomplishment
Design and engineering was underway for an Underground Storage Tank (UST) System; however, the end user changed its mind and decided in favor of an Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) System instead. Western Pump worked diligently with its design consultant to completely switch gears and deliver the project drawings on time. Once the design was completed, Western Pump then had to re-quote the project accordingly. Negative cost impacts were substantially minimized by working together to value engineer (VE) the fuel system without sacrificing quality. Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) requirements were also adhered to in order to comply with mission critical facility standards.